Sunday, April 3, 2011

Be awesome!

When i am sad, i stop being sad and be awesome instead- Barney Stinson.
 The last one month was awful :| but,  i have noticed something about me, whenever i am sad i start becoming humorous and happy. Instead of sulking and thinking about the bad day or maybe a fight with somebody i start making people laugh! haha!

My sister and me were sad from like 2 days or something and all i did was make her laugh. We called eachother before sleeping and after getting up and all we did was gossip and laugh about the bad situation we were in. And i loved it. Yes, Why so sad? Why not do things which make us your favorite movie  n number of times,Shopping, haircut, lying down in your pyajamas all day listening to your favourite artist , painting, meeting old friends, coffee and reading a book or simply spending time with your family :). take life as it come.

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